RAM Inc. offers blast profiling and design, borehole surveys, surface and underground rock mass characterization, underground blast design and audit services.
We will help you maximize your blasting safety and optimize performance with the the latest technology providing contact-free Face Profiling and Borehole Survey Services. Or if you prefer, we can specify the necessary equipment and software for your application and provide systems for purchase with custom training packages.
Using 3G Software & Measurement's advance profiling system allows us to provide a comprehensive assessment of the highwall for optimized blast design or rock mass characterization. The steps consist of setting up markers and taking pictures with a calibrated SLR camera. Then the images are merged using the 3GSM software to generate an accurate three dimensional model of the highwall which is then utilized for planning of blasts, burden anaylsis and documentation. The software and profiling system can help:
Design your drill pattern on-site, automatically generating drill patterns and manually adjust borehole locations. Incorporate borehole surveys to calculate accurate minimum burden profiles.
Download drill pattern as a CVS point file for use with drill navigation systems or layout using GPS survey equipment.
Borehole Survey View Screen Captures

High-end computer vision software for rock mass characterization and blast optimization.

Software enables digital rock mass characterization including measurements and geologic mapping

Aerial 3D images allow for an optimal acquisition of the bench face and blast site geometry